...what if you could weave a meditation/ritual
into a lace-making session?
I’ve been cooking up just that...!
Sometimes we get wound up in the fastness and loudness of the world, forgetting to take time for some of the things that we know to be most nourishing.
That's why I decided to prepare a video + written guide that will walk you through the making of a simple Sol lace. You will learn a vocabulary of basic stitches with which you can continue to experiment, play, and make.
Throughout our journey, I'll invite you to focus on the slow, meditative process and fully taste the richness of this time with yourself.
mindful making explorations
almost there! launching in:
what will it contain?
a video demonstration: creating the Sol cushion
Sol lace is traditionally worked over a cushioned base. This essential tool is easy to make, and requires only four ingredients: needle, thread, scissors, and a piece of fabric. In this video, I will guide you through the process of building your own, from scratch!
a guide booklet: creating the Sol lace
A guide consisting of clear and detailed instructions on starting and finishing a piece of Sol lace. Combined with prompts that invite you to prepare yourself and your workspace, to engage in a deep and mindful making practice. Made in written form, so that you can download and print it yourself – facilitating and encouraging hand-making time offline.
who is crafting this?
I am an artist/artisan/concoctionist exploring the wonders of a committed, laborious practice and celebrating the magical process of slow meditative making.
You can discover more via www.zagb.net + www.balmaseda.com and zaidibirin
If you have any questions, feel free to connect via email or the social links below.